New Year Resolutions!

In the spirit of resolving to make positive changes in the new year, we polled our Muddy Branch Alliance board members and partners to gather our 2019 Top Ten New Year’s Resolution.  If we all make just a few of these changes, we will help improve water quality and/or improve the quality of our local watersheds. Join us!

The path ahead into 2019…celebrate by selecting a resolution.

#1) BYOM – “Bring Your Own Mug”! Bring your own coffee mug to Starbucks (Get $.50 back), and use reusable water bottles, instead of using paper coffee cups and single-use water bottles.

#2) Lend a hand and get connected! We host several trail work and “Weed Warrior” events each year. Our special focus in 2019: Work with the City and County to expand our park system and increase accessibility. For example, expand and connect existing paths and recreation areas, such as Fallen Oaks and Conservation Lane to improve the trail and make it possible to walk or bike from RT 28 to the Rio and back.

#3) Get covered! Use covered recycling bins – or trade your smaller bins for the larger, covered bin – to prevent wind from blowing your recyclables down the streets and into the drains and streams.

#4) Trim as you go! Take a hike (or run) along our trails and trim overgrown vines as you go. 

#5) Go Native! Plant native plants and trees on your property, or work with your property management to request they plant native trees near your home, if possible. Muddy Branch Alliance gives away free native trees each spring — check our website in March for details.

#6) Reduce run-off! Reduce the amount of lawn on your property and replace it with native plants or permeable hardscape.  Make a rain garden filled with native perennials and trees and get rid of all that grass!

#7) Post the beauty!  Share images of Muddy Branch trail and surrounding wildlife with others by posting photos each time you visit, using our Facebook or Instagram account (Details coming soon!).

#8) Educate and energize youth! Take your kids (if you do not have any, borrow some) on a short road trip or hike and SHOW them what a Watershed is first-hand (rather than just showing it on the map) to increase the WOW factor. All of our trail events are family-friendly, and students earn SSL hours!

#9) Pick it up! In the spirit of John Stokke, a local hero, if you see trash and you’re able, pick it up. Wondering what to give friends and family who have everything? Give the gift of a pick-up stick with instructions and opportunities for use.

#10) Give thanks! Remember, acknowledge, and support the good work of our volunteers by making a donation or becoming a member of the Muddy Branch Alliance (Or support the Watts Branch Watershed Alliance, Seneca Creek Watershed Partners or Clean Water Management group of your choice). Thank you!