by Laura Friend
As terrible as the COVID19 pandemic is, it gives us all a chance to re-evaluate and possibly create a new paradigm shift of our community’s attitudes. We have a chance to re-center what we base our economy on. Either we go back to the status quo or change it for the better. A creative, resilient people can turn any lemon of a situation into lemonade.
For example, we can direct our efforts toward:
- Improving human health for all, which lowers the current and future pandemic risks for all
- Improving ecosystem health, which promotes resilience to climate change impacts
- Promoting green landscaping programs such as Rainscapes & other ecosystem friendly methods to address stormwater
- Building up community gardens and the “Food Forest” to reduce food insecurity and the environmental impacts of our global food markets
- Change how we look at natural areas and watersheds to a more holistic view
In times past, the environment has often been under-appreciated by the many due to accepted norms. COVID19 has given us a chance to shift this. More people are spending time outside surrounded by nature, and telecommuting has reduced air & water pollution. We can either go back to the former rat race of an economy based on “Producing & Consuming” or it could blossom into something grander with goodness beyond comprehension- an economy based on “Healthy Ecosystems & People.”
Mere words alone cannot explain nature’s complexities & health. These are better captured and understood when we interact with all our sensory systems in a fully functioning ecosystem. As the future comes flying towards us, it will not be enough for Marylanders to know only parts of things. It will be crucial that we understand all the parts of our planet, big & small, as one unit, with charity & balanced innovation.
So, let’s get busy. What will burst forth from each of our efforts?
Laura Friend
Laura is a director of Seneca Creek Watershed Partners.