Please take note of this important planning process in the City of Gaithersburg.
Gaithersburg, as an incorporated city, is subject to the Land Use Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Land Use Division 1, §3-301(a) Plan Revisions requires the City’s comprehensive master plan to be reviewed and if necessary revised and amended at least once every 10 years. Land Use Division I, §3-102(a)(1)(i) Elements-Municipal Corporations requires the City to include a Community Facilities Element into the comprehensive plan.
Parks, Recreation & Culture is the second element of the 2018 Master Plan Update to be reviewed. This Element is an amendment to the 2003 Community Facilities Element. Parks, Recreation & Culture will present recommendations for the City’s continued parks, recreation, and cultural arts programming while being consistent with the State and City visions. The Element addresses City’s mission, as defined in the Annual Strategic Plan, by providing recommendations for future development, programs, and actions within the City in a sustainable manner that will meet the leisure, fitness, cultural, and other quality-of-life needs of Gaithersburg residents. Public comment is invited prior to and during the joint public hearing on the Parks, Recreation & Culture Element.

Process Status
The City has been receiving comments on the plan from those interested in Parks and land use in the City. A Joint Public Hearing for MP-1-19 is scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2019. Testimony will be taken during this public hearing. Comments may be submitted in writing while the Planning Commission and City Council records remain open either in person at City Hall, emailed to [email protected], or mailed to this address: City of Gaithersburg Planning Department, 31 South Summit Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.